Q1: What is the best food for a hot summer day?
A1: I would say some nice cold, refreshing watermelon.
Q1: When is a normal time for you to go to sleep?
A1: I've been trying to get better at going to bed early, so for me it's around 10:00pm.
Q1: How do you pronounce .gif? And does it TRULY matter one way or the other how someone pronounces it?
A1: I find that the right way to pronounce .gif is with a hard 'G' so it doesn't sound like a 'J'.
I don't think there's a wrong answer, but that's how I like to pronounce it.
Q1: What's the weirdest dish you hae ever tired?
A1: For me, I've been told I've had sheep brains when I lived overseas, but I was so young I don't remember it.
A close second would be a dish called maklouba, a Palestinian dish that is served upside-down and is super tasty.
Q1: Which text editor program should we be using for the first excersize?
A1: I'm currently using Atom, which was recommended by Michael to use for our projects. It's pretty friendly to use.
Q1: What's your morning routine? Any podcasts you recommend?
A1: I try to wake up at a resonable time and make Cuban Coffee for stepdad and myself. It's a nice routine I try to keep up with.
As for podcasts, I sadly don't listen to them, so I don't have a recommendation for ya.
Q1: What major is your major?
A1: My major is Computer Game Design and it's super challenging, but rewarding as well. Almost done!
Q1: Do you have any pets?
A1: I do! I own a 13 year old dog named Winky and a 7 year old cat named Luna. Winky is a Shih-poo and I'm not sure what Luna is.
Q1: Who is your favorite music artist/band?
A1: That's a bit tough for me to answer since I listen to music genres rather than specific artists.
I guess I could answer Ekcle who makes EDM style music. Really fun to listen to.
Q1: What is your favorite thing to do in quarantine?
A1: I do a lot of things, but I'd say play video games. I'm working through the new Terraria update and I'm about to dive into Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition. Super excited!
Q1: What is your favorite dessert?
A1: Mine is either Cheesecake or Oreo Icecream. Can't get enough of either.
Q1: What is your favorite Horror Movie?
A1: Hmmm... I'd have to say the recent remake of It. That movie kept you scared throughout the entire viewing and I found that awesome.
Q1: If you had to pick a superpower, what would it be and why?
A1: I would pick the ability to control and manipulate gravity. Why? Well, why not! It would be super awesome and really cool to see what you'd be able to do with it.
Q1: Who's your favorite character from a book, show, game, etc?
A1: I'm not sure if I can answer that one without writing an essay on it. For sake of ease, I'd say Shulk from Xenoblade Chronicles.
Q1: Is there any type of specific art you like?
A1: I'm a big fan of factorial art or anything of that kind. It's super interesting to look at what math can generate, especially when it's super colorul to look at.
Q1: Who is your favorite graphic designer?
A1: I don't think I can answer this properly since I don't know any graphic designers. Sorry mate.
Q1: What is your favorite bird?
A1: My favorite bird would have to be the northern Cardinal. I love the colors the male has.